My reading in the Epistle of Philippians continues: Verses 1:12-30.
Does what happens to you advance the gospel? Does a hospital stay bring blessings to doctors, nurses, other patients, your family? Paul used his jail stay as an opportunity to give witness to his faith. His being in jail gave others the encouragement they needed to strengthen their faith; some even sharing in ways that were more courageous and bold. May it never be said of us that we preach Christ out of envy or rivalry of other Christians. May it instead be said that because of our love for God and all people, we share, preach, and teach Christ. Paul's jail time encouraged his haters to preach Christ out of selfish ambitions, but Paul's attitude was that the reason matters not, Christ still gets preached; and that brought him joy.
Paul's joy should be a model for us -- he knew he would not be in chains forever; the day of his deliverance would come in one form or another. He hoped that he would not be ashamed, for he wanted sufficient courage to exalt Christ Jesus in his body, through life or death. He shares that famous and awesome text: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Paul knew that if he continued to live here on the earth, that would mean more opportunities to share Jesus with others. His desire, he confessed, was to depart this life to be with Jesus; the option he considered better than life. Yet, he knew that he needed to stay to encourage and bless others in their faith journeys.
PHIL-ME-UP PRAYER: Loving Lord, whatever happens, may I conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. May I stand firm in one spirit as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by anyone who may oppose me. My standing firm is a sign to my enemies that they will be destroyed and they will fail. I will be saved - and by God Himself. For to suffer is to believe more - never giving up hope. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.