Monday, September 28, 2015

Live a Life that Pleases God

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My readings in the Epistle to the Ephesians continues with a reading in 5:1-21

The greatest joy for a parent or grandparent, is when a child or grandchild, tries to imitate something that parent/grandparent does. In my case, it was a grandson that too to wearing pens in his t-shirt or in his shirt pocket, just like Grandpa. Another, my granddaughter, had her mother buy a black journal which she presented to me, "As you new preaching book, Grandpa!" Imagine, then, the joy of God when we seek to imitate Him. The greatest imitation God expects from us is to be people that love like God, who love without condition and without exceptions.

Our lives should also please God, with our seeking to be holy and pure before Him. It is very difficult because, like the people of Ephesus, we find distractions and temptations at every turn. The writer warns we should avoid even a hint of sexual immorality, or greed; these things are not pleasing to God. Our conversations with all people should be those that edify the work we seek to do for the Lord - empty words used to deceive others have no room in Christ's work. Our obedience to God should be our only goal.

We should remember that our life in Christ is to reflect Christ's light on us. When we were pulled out of the darkness of sin, we leave those sins in the past. When we awoke out of our sins, we found ourselves living in light - the light of Christ shining on us; making us that attraction to others to come join in faith.

We should live wise lives, taking every opportunity to please God and help bring others into the relationship with God they should have. Foolishness or bad choices will only get us into trouble. Trying to seek comfort or answers in substances, such as alcohol or drugs, will result in emptiness. Our aim is to seek the power and peace of the Holy Spirit.

For all believers, music praise to God should be part of our daily living, seeking always in song and praise, to give thanks to God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, working together for the betterment of the world.

EAT-TO-YOUR FILL PRAYER: Loving God, loud and clear is the message that we find in this passage, to find ways to imitate and please You. This then, is my prayer: Guide me to obedience, faithfulness, and fruitfulness. Help me to be nonstop in my praise to You. I give you thanks for all things in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.