Sunday, September 6, 2015


This came to me as I read the further part of Colossians 1: Jesus is key to our faith. The Apostle Paul recognized Jesus as the visible God, the firstborn of all creation, and One who had a hand in the creation of all things - even those things in heaven as well as on earth. Paul asserts, even those things we cannot see, Jesus helped create those. Every ruler, every power, every throne on the earth - created by Him and for Him. Even you and I were created by Him. We are not an accident. The Rev. Francis Chan, author of the bestseller "Crazy Love" in his evangelistic preaching says we humans believe so many lies, including the one that says that humans were an accident. This passage backs this up.

Jesus is supreme above all things; and in Jesus, all things are held together. Do you know a family falling apart, is Jesus absent or present? Do you know a church that is falling apart, is Jesus present or absent?

Jesus is the head of the Church, the Body of Christ. Jesus is the Alpha, the beginning and first fruits among the dead. Jesus is supreme. God's fullness dwells in Jesus, and through Him, all things can be reconciled, for peace was made and is offered now, through the cross.

COLOSSAL PRAYER: Dear God, once we were so far from You, and we even held You and things divine as enemies to us and the way we had chosen to live, but once we met and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and allowed His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, we have been reconciled with You, and we even now stand holy and blameless and free from any accusation. Our call is to continue strong in our faith, and not allowing anything or anyone, to take hope away from us, for that hope has come to us by the Good News of Jesus Christ and we are called to share that hope with others. May it be so. This we pray in the strong name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, amen.