Image is Saraí Evangelina, our oldest grandchild.
MARK HIS WORDS PRAYER, from reading Chapter 13 of The Gospel of Mark
Lord, the beauty and magnificence of some structures of the present age inspire and impress me, but I know that everything I hold as special and sacred, will one day no longer stand; they will pass away, but what will remain is Your love for me and those who love You. Your call, and my plea, is to have the strength, wisdom, and courage to remain faithful and obedient to You.
As I hear of wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, famines, national strife, kingdoms going against kingdoms, help me remain faithful and calm. I want to be ready to face whatever may come, and to speak a word about my faith to all who would listen. I want to stand firm until the end.
Loving God, though the sun and moon darken, and stars fall from the sky, let me not stop shining bright the light of Christ in me; and even if the heavenly bodies be shaken, let not my faith be shaken nor moved.
I do not know the day nor the hour of when all this will be, but I do know that I want to be ready even now for what may come.
This I pray in He who loves me and stands with me, Jesus my Lord, amen.
Dear friends, saturate yourselves in the Word. Nothing as refreshing as hearing God speak to our hearts as we start, go through, and end a day. The blessing will be yours. Make time for God!