Friday, November 7, 2014


Okay, boys and girls, today's Spanish word is ganas. It's a simple, but powerful word. It literally means desire, and can mean to win, when used as ganar. For our purposes in this posting, it means desire; but deeper the drive to win is found in that desire. We used to say (and still do; in fact, that's what I'm saying now) ¡dale con ganas!

Anything we enter into should be with the passionate desire to success, or as Paul say, to be more than conquerors in these things of God. To be in a relationship, one must have ganas; a fire of passion to enjoy the other person; in a church setting as pastor or leader or servant, one must have ganas or it will show very quickly that we don't.

It's your choice. But to succeed, ¡dale con ganas!